Saturday 18 March 2017

Still not organised and still complaining :(

I guess the reason why i'm not organized as yet is because I always give myself too many things to do and too little time to do them. I underestimate "time", yes time! I am always running out of it. It probably does like me much. What do you think? I mean, why else would it be running away from me so? I believe my organization problems are also linked time management too. I plan so many things to do in one day or at least hope to do so many things that I just end up multitasking all of the time and still that doesn't get everything done in the time span that I need it to be done in. Huh! Listen to me complain and complain and complain some more. smh .

I am not going to give up. I am going to try much, much harder than I have tried before. #nevergiveup #fightingtobeorganised

Saturday 11 March 2017

Frustrated but trying to be organised!

Making a list, checking it twice... and ignoring it! I am so busy most of the time that whenever I make lists of things to do during the day I only do a few and that's it. Something or the other always keeps popping up and throwing me completely off track with my list. *sighs* It's sad when you really think about it but it's true. Here I am trying to be organized and then bam! something knows me off my train.

Friday 3 March 2017

A Brief Post

Sometimes in my quest to be organized  I believe that I bite off more than I can chew at a time. And therein, ladies and gentlemen, lies the problem. I almost always have more things to do than I have completed. Can anyone relate to this?

It often feels like the paper work is piling up and time is literally flying out on me. It's like it is moving on a jet or something.